Friday, June 13, 2008

Substantial Commentary #2

In the article, "Helping the Katrina Homeless", the authors states how the number of homeless people in New Orleans continues to rise, all thanks to hurricane Katrina. The homeless rate has doubled since the hurricane. The author contends that the government needs to provide temporary and permanent housing for these individuals. First the author contends that Congress needs to fund $73,000,000 to house these unfortunate individuals. Social and psychiatric services should be provided as well. Secondly, Congress needs to extend the disaster housing assistance program before it expires in 2009. This would prevent more people from becoming homeless. Thirdly, Congress "should also rewrite federal disaster law to permit the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide the long-term assistance that thousands of hurricane survivors are clearly going to need."

Louisiana has already created 3000 homes for some of the unfortunate, but in my opinion this is not enough. I agree with the author, and Congress needs to pass the $73 million in funding. It is extremely unfair that some of these people had their homes taken away by a natural disaster. This is not their fault, and they need all the help they can get, at least until they have a solid foundation. I agree that our government could have done more to help everyone in New Orleans, and passing this funding would be a great start, and a great way for everyone to redeem themselves.

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