Saturday, June 28, 2008


An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. Through the use of medicine or surgery, the fetus and placenta is removed from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed physician. Abortion is legal, but it is a very personal and controversial issue that causes great debate. Many people frown upon abortion and believe it should not be legal. They are referred to as "pro-life" and claim that abortion does not give the child a chance at life. Those who are "pro-choice" believe abortion should be legal and that women have the right to choose. I am personally pro-choice, although it is certainly not an easy decision to make. I do not believe abortion should be used frivolously, nor do I think it should be used as a form of birth control. There are certain factors though that make abortion rightfully legal.

Legalized abortion prevents back alley abortions. In the past, women have tried to end their pregnancies themselves and have caused great damage and even death to themselves. Legal abortion provides a safe alternative without putting them in an extremely dangerous situation. Pregnancy can be a life threatening ordeal for women, especially women with heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Pregnancy may accelerate the growth of preexisting breast cancer, which can seriously threaten a woman's life. If abortion were illegal, these complications could not be prevented.

Abortion should be legal for rape victims. Women who are raped should not bear the burden of carrying the child of a maniac rapist. Sometimes abortion is the best option here.

Outlawing abortion would be ineffective because people would still be able to travel to other countries where abortions are legal. This option would be more plausible to those who are wealthy whereas people who are poor would not be able to afford this. This is why anti-abortion laws are said to be discriminatory between the rich and the poor.

Abortions are performed in the first trimester when the fetus is nowhere near fully developed. I do not consider this to be "murder". Where do we draw the line? Can we say sperm and egg is human too, and therefore we should outlaw all forms of birth control? I don't think so.

These are just a few simple reasons why I believe abortion should remain legal. Abortion is not an easy decision to come to, but sometimes it is necessary. Ultimately, a woman has control over her own body, not the government.

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