Monday, June 23, 2008

Blog 6: Rachel's Two Cents On Wiretapping

In the blog, Mr. Bush Spying On America, the author contends that President Bush should not pass a domestic spying bill because it would not be helpful, and it would infringe on civil liberties. I personally disagree, and I believe the bill would be very helpful in thwarting terrorism.

Those who oppose this issue need to realize that only those who are suspected of terrorism will be wiretapped. Should the privacy of terrorists be respected? Of course not. Once a person chooses to become a terrorist and becomes a danger to society, then I believe he forfeits his liberties.

Acquiring information from terrorists can save lives and protect the freedom of others. The author of this particular blog seems to be worried about our freedom being encroached upon, but she does not mention that terrorists are the main assailants who are trying to attack our freedom -- not the government. In a war against terrorists, we are fighting an enemy that does not have a specific homeland nor a central meeting place. A crucial way to contain them is to monitor them.

The bill is designed to protect our lives and our freedom. I believe there comes a time where certain measures are needed, such as wiretapping. I do not want to see destruction brought to our country, and I certainly do not want to see another 9/11. Once again, only those suspected of terrorism will be monitored. If you are not a terrorist, you have nothing to worry about. Someone might mention, "Well, what if the government accidentally wiretaps you?" To be honest, I do not care if the government overhears my telephone conversation with Grandma Mildred. No harm done. In this time of war, we need to gather as much intelligence as possible from our enemies. Our country and our lives will be protected, and we could eliminate terrorism and criminal activity from our country.

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