Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama has the nomination, and Hillary as a running mate; Summary and thoughts.

This article, "
Can Obama say no to Clinton?", is about Hillary Clinton dropping out of the presidential election, and how Barack Obama can possibly take her on as vice president. Some top Clinton backers say she should be the vice president. Obama and his camp have not made any comment as of yet, neither has Clinton and her camp.

There is a good chance Obama will win the election. A lot of people have been tired of the last eight years with Bush and they see McCain as another Bush reincarnate. Apparently some people are contending that spiteful Clinton supporters may vote for McCain now that Obama is seemingly the nominee. This may hurt the Illinois senator greatly if their hate runs true towards November.

However, I imagine if any Clinton supporters do that, they will be a minority. Surely not many people can be so bitter at defeat that they will try to wreck everyone else's chances because they did not win. That is just childish. It is hard to believe people would abandon their own convictions because Clinton is conceding. Obama and Clinton are both democrats with similar policies after all.

The article mentions how some people contend that if Obama and Clinton were to unite and run together, it would be a sure victory. All of Clinton's supporters would vote for Obama. Obama and Clinton running together was dubbed the "dream ticket" by some key backers.

Once again though, would it make that big of a difference? How many people are actually going to abandon their democratic beliefs and vote for McCain? Not only that, but would Obama and Clinton actually be able to work together after they have feuded and rivaled with each other for several months now? Even the article mentions how Bill Clinton severely criticized Obama previously. Perhaps this would cause more problems for Obama's campaign.

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton joining Barack Obama's campaign as vice president would not substantially help Obama's campaign. Obama is more than capable of winning this election without Hillary Clinton and some of her supporters. I thought this article would be interesting to all readers since it involves the upcoming presidential election.

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